Ideal for camping, outdoor activities, festivals or similar. Suitable for all appliances that are operated with a 500 g butane gas cartridge such as a gas barbecue, gas cooker, camping stove, gas refrigerator, gas cool box or even a Bunsen burner or soldering torch.
Our screw-on gas cartridge with 500 g butane gas is very economical and complies with the EN 417 safety standard. The standardised EN417 thread with self-sealing safety valve ensures that the cartridge can be dismounted even when not empty. This gives you maximum flexibility and you can operate multiple devices with one valve screw cartridge.
Very easy to install: First, remove the supplied safety tab. Then screw the desired attachment onto the valve of the butane gas cartridge - and that’s it.
Screw cartridge with standardised EN417 thread (other names: 7/16 inch thread, 28 UNEF thread or B188 valve). Size: Net filling weight: 500 g butane gas. Gross weight per cartridge: 722 g.